Table des matières


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title="What do you like best for next meeting?"



Notes from 26th November 2022

2 main purposes of PAN Forum: reaching out to artists & share resources

Lucas proposes for each meeting that each space can share what they need at the moment

Foundry needs programing to attract more people who resonate with the vision, and create more community and actively involved members

Kerminy hasn't programmed so much last year more busy with improvement of building and grounds atm they are figuring out heating with wood and need volunteers who can prepare wood, and need to figure out the safety aspects

need more international artists to come, many people at the moment ar french and it would be more interesting with international mix

more volunteers who can take care of the place and getting to know it. Dennis suggests checking in with Artists at Risk

plan to build wooden flooring with trees from own woods. Lucas can volunteer in June

Massia needs someone to organise repair weeks (also people to source funding, and do programming)

Lucas will make a simple poster with a map of PAN Forum spaces to hang up in PAF

Every space can create a little poster (1-2 Din A4 pages) that each space can hang up for their users to see. PAF Winter Update Meeting will be very busy and a good opportunity to communicate PAN Forum

Dom will make a Nuudel/Doodle to find a time to meet physically in 2023. Possibly just after WUM at PAF.

Maybe between 10-15 January

Next meeting will hopefully be in person in January and give time to dig into the points, needs, questions already raised so far and action the next steps

Notes from 24/09/ 2022

PAN Forum Resurrection Meeting on 24th September, 6pm

Order of the day

Who turned into a Japanese porn site? ⇒ It is necessary to make money no ? :-P I did not renew the domain name in time. I'm looking to reactivate the site on another address…

What problems are we running into? Financial, organisational? Kerminy is only 2 years old, we are in the construction phase. Currently residents' contributions only cover the cost of electricity (hot water and lighting). The rest of the charges are paid by the SCI.

We are trying to set up tools to manage the place very slowly and also a team of permanent and semi-permanent volunteers/civic services. No employees, no subsidies. We have many things to invent around the economy and the ecology of the place. The “repair week” system is very good for inviting people to come and improve the place.

How to share capacities and stimulate circulation of people between projects. We can display information about the Panforum network in the kitchen. so the artists (mainly French in Kerminy) could move in the Panforum

We can print and share the events organized in the network

We can document the organization of Kerminy to exchange ideas with other places

I. What is PAN Forum about ? We agree on this 3 characteristics of the network : a) non-profit (outside the market) and independent (outside public institutions) places ; b) self-organization by artists and researchers themselves ; c) a response to artists and researchers precarity. Dennis raised the question of the definition of “artist” : are we welcoming only “artists” ? Could we allow a broader definition of work ? Thus the adding of “researcher”. Laurent talked about the rule given in Paf : you have to come there to work on something, not just for touring. How can we make this rule explicit and well-understood by anyone who comes ? In Paf Jan was the keeper and the reminder of the rule, how is it now ? II. What are the forms of PAN-Forum ? a) a website with a map with a proper description of each place We will organize a special meeting with Dominique to learn how to edit the website (Wiki). Lucas will make another map which will be printable, to post on the walls of every place. Two other initiatives we should look into and maybe get in touch with : - - b) yearly meetings with delegate of all the places We should try to plan a date in 2023 Lucas and maybe Sepideh will be in Paf for Winter Meeting : could we meet at this event ?

III. How do we organize ourselves and together ? a) regular zoom meetings : every last saturday of each month ? Proposition has been made to have one on 29th October. We have to be careful about not multiplying the meetings, which is already a big issue in self-organized places. b) How do we communicate about PAN-Forum ? Advertising in every place with posts on the walls seems to be the most efficient way. c) We should have tools to communicate with each other : like a google drive or something like this (Dominique said he has a solution for that) in order to gather documents, reports, questions, problems, etc.⇒ PAN-Forum is useful for people who run every places to go to aother places to have mindspace to work on their own stuff, and not be overwhelmed by their commitment in their places d) We should think about how each place could be helpful for people running other places, to find mindspace and time to work on their own stuff, and not to be constantly overwhelmed by problems of organization.