To join PAN FORUM PLACES, you can fill out this form. You will receive information on the next meetings to join the PAN FORUM network (for a physical meeting and an exchange with the other places).

<form> action mail Thanks “WELCOME & THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION !”

Fieldset “PLACE INFORMATION: :” Textbox “PLACE NAME:” textarea “PLACE PRESENTATION :” ! static “You can present your place in few lines” Textbox “REFERANT NAME:” email “E-MAIL:” textbox “PHONE: (optionel)” ! textbox “WEBSITE: (optionel)” !

yesno “I autorize the network to communicate my contacts”

static “This register is accessible for network members only”

textarea “PLACE RESOURCES :” !

textarea “PLACE NEEDS :” ! static “* Here you can indicate regular services the place can offer to people and other places (as resources & needs). Your list and contact will be updated and published in the register every month”

textarea “PLACE ANNOUNCEMENT :” ! static “* A one-off needs or resource that you communicate to people and places (ex: donation of furniture, repair week…). Do not forget to indicate practical information, such as the date and place … This announcement will be updated and published every month in the register.”

submit “SEND” </form>